Now showing items 1-20 of 395

    • A Basic Backward Bifurcation Model in Epidemiology 

      Villavicencio Pulido, José Geiser; Barradas Bribiesca, José Ignacio; Hernández Gómez, Juan Carlos (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2013-06-11)
      The existence of a backward bifurcation has important consequences in the strategies and control policies designed to eradicate or control an infectious disease because the policies of public health when this phenomenon ...
    • A Byte Pattern Based Method for File Compression. 

      Hernández-Hernández, José Luis; Hernández Hernández, Mario; Sabzi, Sajad; Paredes Valverde, Mario Andres; Fuentes Penna, Alejandro (Communications in Computer and Information Science book, 2019-08)
      This research presents a method to allows the data compression from a file containing any type of information by combining the pattern theory with the theory of data compression. This proposal can reduce the storage space ...
    • A Novel Technique for Classifying Bird Damage to Rapeseed Plants Based on a Deep Learning Algorithm. 

      Mirzazadeh, Ali; Azizi, Afshin; Abbaspour_Gilandeh, Yousef; Hernández-Hernández, José Luis; Hernández Hernández, Mario; Gallardo Bernal, Iván (Agronomy, 2021-11)
      Estimation of crop damage plays a vital role in the management of fields in the agricultura sector. An accurate measure of it provides key guidance to support agricultural decision-making systems. The objective of the study ...
    • A possible association between the -2518 A>G MCP-1 polymorphism and insulin resistance in school children. 

      Matia Garcia, Ines; Salgado Goytia, Lorenzo; Ramos Arellano, Luz Elena; Muñoz_Valle, José Francisco; Armenta Solis, Adakatia; Garibay Cerdenares, Olga Lilia; Ramírez, Mónica; Parra_Rojas, Isela (SCIELO, 2017-08-09)
      Objective: Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) has been suggested to be involved in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance (IR); therefore, variants in the MCP-1 gene may contribute to the development of this ...
    • Acrylamide content in tortilla chips prepared from pigmented maize kernels 

      Arambula Villa, Geronimo; Luna Bárcenas, J.Gabriel; Veles Medina, José Juan; Azuara Nieto, Ebner (Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 2016-01-27)
      Maize is one of the most cultivated cereals in the world. Furthermore, its products, made of nixtamalized corn flours like tortilla chips are consumed worldwide. Thus, the presence of acrylamide, a potential carcinogen ...
    • Acuatic Insects at Southeast of Wetlands in the Tres Palos Lagoon, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico 

      Rosas Acevedo, Jose Luis; Sánchez Infante, Audel; Rosas Acevedo, Ana Yolanda; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura (American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 2016-01)
      Aquatic environment alteration is reflected in the biodiversity of the ecosystem, aquatic insects are used to evaluate the anthropogenic impact. In the dry season (May-June) the samples are taken in 13 collection sites in ...
    • Acumulación por medio del despojo territorial, caso Perú y México. 

      Acuña Villavicencio, John Kenny (Iberoamérica, 2019-01)
      From the social struggles that are taking place all over the globe, it is important to analyze the social deterioration suffered by the indigenous communities by the mining transnationals. For this, we rely on the concepts ...
    • Afectación del manglar por actividades antropogénicas en la subcuenca de nuxco, Guerrero, México 

      Vences Martínez, José Ángel; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura; Reyes Umana, Maximino (Revista Mexicana Agroecosistemas, 2016-09-23)
      There are no precise data on the extent of mangroves in the coastal areas of Mexico, because it has been affected by the irrational and illegal logging, by urban developments and the inhabitants settled around the ecosystem, ...
    • Afromexicanos entre la segregación y la identidad 

      Donoso Jiménez, Javiera Yanina (Boletín Científico Sapiens Research, 2018-06-20)
      This article aims to communicate the results of two different studies, one using quantitative approach and the other an ethnographic method, in which the concept of Afromexican identity has been deeply questioned. The ...
    • Afrontamiento durante la pandemia: experiencias psicosociales de los amuzgos de Xochistlahuaca 

      Antúnez Najera, Guadalupe; Antúnez Salgado, Timoteo (Revista Digital Universitaria, 2021-11)
      The objective of our research was to get to know the problems, challenges and coping strategies in Amuzga families of Xochistlahuaca during the covid-19 pandemic, focusing on the emotional and physical effects. The ...
    • Aged garlic extract and S-allylcysteine increase the GLUT3 and GCLC expression levels in cerebral ischemia. 

      Daniel Gomez, Carlos; Aguilera, Penélope; Ortiz Plata, Alma; Nares López, Felipe; Chanez Cardenas, Maria Elena; Flores Alfaro, Eugenia; Ruiz Tachiquin, Martha Eugenia; Espinoza Rojo, Monica (Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2019-06-27)
      During cerebral ischemia, energy restoration through the regulation of glucose transporters and antioxidant defense mechanisms is essential to maintain cell viability. Antioxidant therapy has been considered effective to ...
    • Ahijamiento de Lolium perenne L. asociado con Dactylis glomerata L. y Trifolium repens L. 

      Mendoza-Pedroza, Sergio-Iban; Maldonado Peralta, Maria De Los Angeles; Rojas Garcia, Adelaido Rafael; Cruz-Hernandez, Aldenamar; Torres, Nicolas; Vaquera Huerta, Humberto (Ecosist. Recur. Agropec., 2019-01)
      The aim of this study was to evaluate the weight and appearance, death and survival rates of perennial ryegrass stems in monoculture and associated with orchard grass and white clover. The highest weight per stem in perennial ...
    • ¿Aliados o enemigos? Un acercamiento a la relación entre el gobernador y su partido político 

      Licea Dorantes, Silvestre (Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 2014-11)
      We analyze the conditions under which the governor and his political party, both locally and nationally, cooperate or engage in conflict. To explain this relationship both rational choice theory in an institutional context ...
    • An educational intervention to generate environmental behaviors in the family 

      De La Llata Lopez, Maria Elena; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Rosas Acevedo, Jose Luis; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura; Bedolla Solano, Ramon (International Journal of Current Research, 2017-12)
      The rational use of natural resources and the protection of the environment means acting with responsability and opportunity. To generate environmental behaviors in the family, its members must have environmental culture. ...
    • Analysis of admixture proportions in seven geographical regions of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. 

      Cahua Pablo, Jose Angel; Cruz, Miguel; Tello Almaguer, Pedro Vidal; Alarcón Romero, Luz Del Carmen; Juan Parra, Esteban; Villerias Salinas, Salvador; Valladares Salgado, Adan; Tello Flores, Vianet Argelia; Mendez Palacios, Abigail; Perez Macedonio, Claudia Paola; Flores_Alfaro, Eugenia (WILEY, 2017-01)
      Mexico¿s current population structure has been defined by admixture between European, Native American, and to some extent African, groups that started in thesixteenth century. The aim of this research was toanalyze the ...
    • Análisis bromatológico y producción de gas in vitro de forrajes utilizados en el trópico seco mexicano. 

      I, Almaraz Buendía; M, García A; Sanchez Santillan, Paulino; Torres Salado, Nicolas; Herrera Perez, Jeronimo; Bottini Luzardo, Maria Benedicta; Rojas Garcia, Adelaido Rafael (Archivos de Zootecnia, 2019-03)
      The quality of tropical pastures is related to their use in the production of ruminants, since they base their diet on their consumption. The objective was to determine the bromatological analysis, in vitro gas production ...
    • Análisis de Componentes Principales, como herramienta para interrelaciones entre variables fisicoquímicas y biológicas en un ecosistema léntico de Guerrero, México 

      Avila Perez, Humberto; Garcia Ibañez, Sergio (Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias, 2015-05)
      Principal Component Analysis (PCA) applies in order to understand the interrelationships between the variables analyzed to determine the degree of alteration of the water of Coyuca de Benitez lagoon, at Guerrero, Mexico. ...
    • Análisis de perfil de textura de frutos partenocarpicos de mango cv. "Ataúlfo" 

      Maldonado Astudillo, Yanik Ixchel; Cantú Guzmán, Ángel; Salazar, Ricardo; Jimenez Hernandez, Javier (Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2019-08)
    • Análisis del currículo y otros actores del proceso educativo para identificar el eje ambiental: informe proyecto 

      Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Miranda Esteban, Adriana; Bedolla Solano, Juan José; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Sánchez Adame, Oscar (Revista do Programa de Pos-graduacao em Educacao, 2016-11-30)
      This paper contains an analysis which derives from a diagnosis made from the first stage of a research project registered by the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro) during 2015-2016 period. Among its goals arises a ...
    • Análisis geográfico del COVID-19 Análisis espacial de vulnerabilidad y riesgo en salud por COVID-19 en el estado de Guerrero, México. 

      Villerias Salinas, Salvador; Nochebuena, Guillermo; Uriostegui Flores, Adrian (POSICIÓN, 2020-05)
      In the context of the global and national crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this spatial analysis was carried out to determine the trends and possible effects on social vulnerability that the disease will produce ...