Open Access Artículos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 161-180 de 395
Registro preliminar de aves marinas en la bahía de Acapulco, Guerrero, México.
(Espiral, 2019-06)Seabirds play an important role in ecosystems, are indicators of habitat quality, act as seed dispersers, pollinators, or in the biological control of insect populations. Therefore, it is important to design and implement ... -
Caracterización de residuos sólidos urbanos en una universidad privada del municipio de Acapulco, Guerrero.
(Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología Aplicada a Residuos Solidas A.C., 2013-06) -
Evaluación preliminar de la presencia de plaga de palomilla Automeris spp (Saturniidae: Hemileucinae), en una zona de manglar en la Laguna de Nuxco, Guerrero.
(FESGRO, 2014-06)This paper provides preliminary progress of the presence of a plague of white dofoliador (Laguncularia racemosa) and button mangrove (Conocarpus erectus), which constitute the main components of flora of the mangrove ... -
Analysis of admixture proportions in seven geographical regions of the state of Guerrero, Mexico.
(WILEY, 2017-01)Mexico¿s current population structure has been defined by admixture between European, Native American, and to some extent African, groups that started in thesixteenth century. The aim of this research was toanalyze the ... -
El agotamiento de los recursos pesqueros y la emigración: el caso de la laguna de Tecomate, Guerrero, México.
(CIBA, 2016-12)The coastal lagoons are important as refuges for aquatic and terrestrial species and provide food to human population settled in its shores. Environmental degradation has decreased fish stocks and, thereforehas affected ... -
Explotación e industrialización del mármol en la sierra de Guerrero, proyecto detonador para el desarrollo rural integral sustentable: el caso de Santa Rosa de Lima mpio. Coyuca de Benítez, Gro.
(REMEXCA, 2015-01)La comunidad de Santa Rosa de Lima tiene experiencia en la organización, gestión y ejecución de proyectos para el aprovechamiento sustentable de sus recursos naturales, destacan la conservación de bosques, el ecoturismo y ... -
Niveles de asimilación económica del estado de Guerrero.
(RICSH, 2016-12)This work aims to expose the configuration of the State of Guerrero, based on the theory of economic assimilation and the probabilistic classification. This theoretical-methodological proposal of economic geography contributes ... -
Medición de parámetros asociados al síndrome metabólico en alumnos de enfermería en Taxco, México.
(Salud Pública, 2018-01)Objective To measure the parameters and results related to metabolic syndrome (clinical records, anthropometric measurements and biochemical samples) in the group of students in question. -
Taxco, Guerrero: historical facts, daily life and daily routine, tourist places and important festivals.
(Revista, 2016-01)In this paper we study and investigates 1) the historical facts, 2) daily life and daily routine, 3) tourist sites and 4) the important festivals of the city of Taxco, Guerrero. -
Evaluación de atributos turísticos de Ixtapan de la Sal, Estado de México.
(Revista, 2018-06)In this work is carried out an evaluation of the tourist attributes of the city of Ixtapan de la Sal, Estado de Mexico. In the methodology was used qualitative research sampling, specifically with respect to samples for ... -
Periodontal disease distribution, risk factors, and importance of primary healthcare in the clinical parameters improvement.
(Odontostomat, 2020-01)The objective of this study is to show the distribution of periodontal disease, risk factors, and importance of primary healthcare, for the improvement of clinical parameters. Two phases study transversal and nonrandomized ... -
Prevalencia de gingivitis y factores asociados en estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México.
(Rev Cubana Estomatol, 2016-01)Introduction: gingivitis is the most common periodontal disease. The most effective prophylactic measure against this condition is oral hygiene. -
Influence of vasoconstrictors added to dental anesthetics on blood pressure and heart rate.
(Rev Cubana Estomatol, 2016-12)vasoconstrictors are substances added to local anesthetics to lengthen their time of action, reduce their toxicity and enhance their local hemostatic effect. There is controversy about whether the use of vasoconstrictors ... -
Satisfacción de usuarios con los servicios de salud bucal y factores asociados en Acapulco, Mexico.
(Rev Cubana Estomatol, 2015-04)Introduction: measurement of user satisfaction levels is an essential aspect of the quality evaluation of dental services. -
Tumor odontogenico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura.
(SCIELO, 2005-01)The Odontogenic Adenomatoid Tumour is clasifyed for the WHO as an odontogénic neoplasm with connective tissue formation, so it can contain hard tissue inside It presents as a slow growing mass and it is not much invasive ... -
La leptina promueve la expresión de Hic-5 y la formación de puntos de actina por la vía dependiente de FAK-Src en células epiteliales mamarias MCF10A.
(Biomédica, 2019-01-01)Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipocytes that has been associated with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Additionally, leptin promotes the migration and invasion of mammary epithelial cells through the activation ...