Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Growth analysis of Cuba grass OM-22 (Pennisetum purpureum x Pennisetum glaucum) in the dry tropics. 

      Maldonado Peralta, Maria De Los Angeles; Rojas Garcia, Adelaido Rafael; Sánchez-Santillán, Paulino; Bottini Luzardo, Maria Benedicta; Torres Salado, Nicolas; Ventura Rios, Joel; Joaquin Cancino, Santiago; Luna Guerrero, Milton Javier (Agroproductividad, 2019-08)
      To analyze a growth curve of the Cuba OM-22 grass (Pennisetum purpureum ¿ Pennisetum glaucum), to find the optimum harvest time, in the dry tropics.
    • Red clever yield (Trifolium pratense L.) at different haverst age. 

      Rojas Garcia, Adelaido Rafael; Mendoza Pedroza, Sergio Iban; De Lira Candelas, Ana L; Alvarez Vazquez, Perpetuo; Maldonado Peralta, Maria De Los Angeles; Gonzalez Ceron, Fernando; Pro Martinez, Arturo; Joaquin Cancino, Santiago; Luna Guerrero, Milton Javier (Agroproductividad, 2019-08)
      Objective: The objective of this research was to obtain the optimum cutting moment of the red clover by varying the cutting frequency in the spring season. Design/methodology/approach: The treatments were cuts at different ...
    • Rendimiento de trébol rojo (Trifolium pratense L.) a diferente edad de cosecha. 

      Rojas Garcia, Adelaido Rafael; Mendoza Pedroza, Sergio Iban; De Lira Candelas, Ana L; Alvarez Vazquez, Perpetuo; Maldonado Peralta, Maria De Los Angeles; Gonzalez Ceron, Fernando; Pro Martinez, Arturo; Joaquin Cancino, Santiago; Luna Guerrero, Milton Javier (Agroproductividad, 2019-08)
      Objective: The objective of this research was to obtain the optimum cutting moment of the red clover by varying the cutting frequency in the spring season. Design/methodology/approach: The treatments were cuts at different ...