Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Cadenas de comercialización de mango en tres municipios de la Costa Grande de Guerrero 

      Gómez Peñaloza, Nexsar; Astudillo Miller, Maria Xochitl; Maldonado Astudillo, Rayma Ireri; Lezama Hernandez, Lino Gerardo (Foro de Estudios sobre Guerrero, 2017-05)
      The state of Guerrero has a great potential in agricultural production. Particularly in the case of mango, Guerrero is the leading producer at national level; nevertheless, also it ranks last in export.
    • La competitividad en la industria de los clubes deportivos Fitness en Acapulco 

      Roman Miranda, Ana Laura; Lezama Ruiz, Noemi; Maldonado Astudillo, Yan Pallac; Lezama Hernandez, Lino Gerardo (Foro de Estudios de Guerrero, 2017-05)
      Because of the problem of obesity in Mexico and in the State of Guerrero specifically in the port of Acapulco, participation each year of the industry sports clubs Fitness takes more weight, the forecast is even tripling ...
    • Panorama organizacional de los intermediarios financieros rurales en Guerrero 

      Lezama Ruiz, Noemi; Lezama Hernandez, Lino Gerardo; Hernández Zavala, Antonio; Astudillo Miller, Maria Xochitl (Revista de Desarrollo Económico, 2015-12)
      A strategy to support productive activity is the operation of the IFR. The funding model includes a set of financial instruments to channel economic resources, where the concept of "Rural Financial Intermediaries" arises. ...
    • Retos de los centros de acopio de maíz en el estado de Guerrero 

      Lezama Ruiz, Gerardo; Maldonado Astudillo, Rayma Ireri; Hernandez Polito, Antonio; Lezama Ruiz, Noemi; Lezama Hernandez, Lino Gerardo (Revista Transdisciplinaria de Estudios Migratorios, 2018-12)
      We analyzed corn warehouses located in Guerrero State, according to production capacity, storage and competitiveness to encourage ways for companies to raise actual levels of production and increase the participation level ...