• Afectación del manglar por actividades antropogénicas en la subcuenca de nuxco, Guerrero, México 

      Vences Martínez, José Ángel; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura; Reyes Umana, Maximino (Revista Mexicana Agroecosistemas, 2016-09-23)
      There are no precise data on the extent of mangroves in the coastal areas of Mexico, because it has been affected by the irrational and illegal logging, by urban developments and the inhabitants settled around the ecosystem, ...
    • Análisis del currículo y otros actores del proceso educativo para identificar el eje ambiental: informe proyecto 

      Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Miranda Esteban, Adriana; Bedolla Solano, Juan José; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Sánchez Adame, Oscar (Revista do Programa de Pos-graduacao em Educacao, 2016-11-30)
      This paper contains an analysis which derives from a diagnosis made from the first stage of a research project registered by the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro) during 2015-2016 period. Among its goals arises a ...
    • Evaluación de competencias docentes 

      Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Miranda Esteban, Adriana; Sánchez Adame, Oscar; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Bedolla Solano, Juan José (Revista Internacional de Educación y Aprendizaje, 2016-01)
      The purpose of this study is to identify and at the same time to evaluate the teaching performance, especially their competences, among teachers working in an educational program that offer the career of the Sociology of ...
    • Forest structure of the mangrove zone of the Coyuca de Benítez lagoon, Guerrero state 

      Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Gervacio Jiménez, Herlinda; Bedolla Solano, Ramon (Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2017-12-15)
      Mangroves are a forest resource of great importance in the wetlands, by its diversity and timber structure, as for the ecological values, socio-economic and environmental benefits that represent. Its composition depends ...
    • Forest structure of the mangrove zone of the Coyuca de Benítez lagoon, Guerrero state 

      Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Bedolla Solano, Ramon (Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2017-12-15)
      Mangroves are a forest resource of great importance in the wetlands, by its diversity and timber structure, as for the ecological values, socio-economic and environmental benefits that represent. Its composition depends ...
    • Inclusión de la educación ambiental en el currículo. Un estudio comparativo en dos universidades 

      Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Bedolla Solano, Juan José (Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias, 2018-02)
      The results of a study executed in 2015 and among its objectives proposed to determine the incorporation of Environmental Education (EE) into the curriculum of two universities (Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico ...
    • Perception and enviromental, knowledge fo anthropogenic activities In a coastal community 

      Vences Martínez, José Ángel; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Rosas Guerrero, Víctor Manuel; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura (International Journal of Current Research, 2018-01)
      The ecosystem services provided by coastal zones have been severely affected by anthropogenic activities. The purpose of this study was to determine both the perception of residents of a coastal town on their environmental ...
    • Perception and environmental knowledge of anthropogenic activities in a coastal community 

      Vences Martínez, José Ángel; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth; Rosas Guerrero, Víctor Manuel; Castillo Elías, Benjamín; Juarez Lopez, Ana Laura (International Journal of Current Research, 2018-03)
      The ecosystem services provided by coastal zones have been severely affected by anthropogenic activities. The purpose of this study was to determine both the perception of residents of a coastal town on their environmental ...
    • Strengthening of the learning unit: (Environmental Culture) to train environmental competences in students, unit 12 a dependent on the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Mexico 

      Gabriel Valenzo, Yesenia del Rosario; Bedolla Solano, Ramon; Sampedro Rosas, María Laura; Castillo Elías, Benjamín (International Journal of Current Research, 2018-03)
      To strengthen the Environmental Culture Learning Unit (ECLU) was necessary to design and implement an Environmental Education Program (EEP) attached to the (ECLU). The implementation of EEP was with students of the bachelor`s ...