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dc.contributorHernandez Moreno, Taurino
dc.contributor.advisorHERNANDEZ MORENO, TAURINO; 55063
dc.contributor.authorVazquez Olivares, Pedro
dc.description.abstractThe present work arises from the absence of a law promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) in the Mexican state of Guerrero as an effective public policy, composed of institutions and legal instruments that provide legitimacy to the economic agents of the ESS. This aims to give them equal conditions in the development and consolidation of their production, marketing, and/or consumption units, as subjects of law. These agents, both formally and predominantly informally, influence the economic development of the state, generating production and employment. Some criteria are presented in this work, we expect, to contribute to the formulation of the ESS promotion law, including legal foundation and the establishment of a public and autonomous governing body. The purpose is to make it a permanent public policy, free from political interference during electoral cycles, thus ensuring its professional and non-partisan performance. The Capitalist system is exhausted, and the world is on the brink of collapse due to its irrationality. Global warming is becoming increasingly severe, with excessive heat and devastating wildfires erupting across almost the entire planet in its onslaught against nature. Major powers are engaged in wars over the redistribution of the earth¿s resources and livable areas, as the United States faces imminent displacement in a shifting towards a multipolar world. Faced with this scenario, the United Nations, in its General Assembly held on April 18, 2023, issued a call to its member states to promote and implement national, local, and regional strategies, policies, and programs to support and enhance the Social and Solidarity Economy as a potential model for sustainable economic and social development (p. 3). The United Nations is not mistaken; the social and solidarity economy is a real option for consistently addressing climate change and the inequities caused by the Market Economy. The Social and Solidarity Economy must be implemented comprehensively as a public policy, asit fosters inclusive development by acknowledging and redirecting the informal economy. This is crucial as the informal economy primarily provides employment and income to excluded and marginalized sectors, recognizing them as having these rights. The ravages caused by Capitalism to humanity have made the planet at the edge of collapse, in addition to the natural problems pointed before. Economically and politically, there are recurring economic crises, such as the situation in Ukraine, acting as a geopolitical battleground between a declining unipolar world and a rising multipolar one. Additionally, there are challenges like the downfall of the dollar as an instrument of pressure and coercion. The uneven development of Capitalism is evidence of its inability to meet the needs of the population. It is a system that can only survive at the expense of the misery and exploitation of the majority, enriching only a few who own the means of production. Consequently, they appropriate all the wealth produced socially. A permanent and inclusive public policy is needed to address the injustices faced by sectors excluded by the Market. Ultimately, these excluded sectors, through their self organization, sustain the economy of the state and the country. An autonomous body should be established to design, develop, implement, and monitor Social and Solidarity Economy plans and programs, from their inception to consolidation. This entity should be professionally and technically qualified, demonstrating ethical behavior aligned with the values and principles of the ESS. The comprehensive plans and programs should encompass aspects of education, training, and capacitybuilding, along with specialized guidance, financing, and distribution and exchange centers.
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Humanidades Ciencia y Tecnología (CONAHCYT)
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma de Guerrero (México)
dc.subjectSocial Economy
dc.subjectPublic Policies
dc.subjectAutonomous Public Organizations
dc.titleCriterios para una propuesta de ley de fomento de la economía social y solidaria para el estado de Guerrero.
dc.typeTesis de maestría
dc.contributor.committeeMemberPINEDA GOMEZ, JOSÉ ALFREDO
dc.contributor.committeeMemberCAÑEDO VILLARREAL, ROBERTO
dc.format.digitalOriginBorn digital
dc.thesis.degreenameMaestría en Economía Social
dc.thesis.degreegrantorUniversidad Autónoma de Guerrero
dc.thesis.degreedepartmentFacultad de Economía Acapulco
dc.thesis.degreedisciplineCiencias Sociales

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